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He plops down on the couch and beckons me to join him with his arm. I walk to the couch and and plop myself next to him on the couch stretching my legs out and resting my back on his side. He reaches for the remote and puts his legs up and stretches himself out as well. I grab a blanket and drape it over the both of us as he starts up the film. Its one of the old thriller movies, a spin off of Frankenstein but with more gore. We munch on the popcorn together while watching Frankensteins monster rip a villager apart. For some reason David bursts out laughing causing him to nearly choke on the popcorn in his mouth. I give him a funny look as he half laughs and half chokes until he finally clears his throat of the stuck popcorn. How in the world did you find that funny? A guy just got ripped apart and you are laughing your ass off I ask as I sit up. Well Cora David starts off it was so obvious it was a dummy I though it was kinda funny that a killer monster is shredding up a toy Sure. Well, it started off with a fight regarding a question, and later she realized she was wrong. She came to me and said sorry for shouting and we became friends. Since then we are friends. Whenever she had trouble regarding something, she would take my help.In the second year, she shifted to a different faculty of Engineering than mine and we rarely use to meet. But we remained in touch. She was outspoken and very confident. In my last year, I called her and asked her for help regarding placements.Me: Hi, Nidhi.N: Hi, Nikhil.Me: Listen, could you please help me with some tips and body Language for my interview and placements.N: Nikhil, it’s not difficult, you can manage.Me: I am somewhat scared as competition is tough, your father is a recruiting officer and you have observed him closely, you could help me.N: Hmmm. Ohk fine. Meet me this Sunday and carry a diary.I was relieved that she was going to help me. We met on Sunday and she helped me with a lot of tips and suggestions on how to.
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